Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blessed are...

Unity and Peace

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

The peace of God is not peace at any price. It is a costly peace. It cost God a great deal to send His Son for our salvation. We should not cheapen that peace by making compromises with those things that are contrary to His will. For example, there are those who argue that unity, within a family, or a nation, or a church, is of supreme importance. Peace, they say, must be maintained at all cost. Nothing is more important than that the body should remain undivided.

Of course, unity is important. Too frequently we divide over things that really do not matter very much. We become polarized over trivialities. Sides are taken; harsh words are said; division sends us into opposing camps. Only the devil laughs as we heap vitriol upon one another. In no time at all we are caricaturing one another’s positions, vilifying one another, creating wounds that may take generations to heal. Like the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s we cultivate the feud until we have forgotten the reason for our separation. We know nothing of reconciliation, nor of peace. No wonder some people will go to almost any length in order to maintain unity.

However, there are some things that we should not do for the sake of unity. We should not gloss over significant differences, as though they did not exist. We should not presume to offer forgiveness, especially on behalf of another, if there is no repentance. We should not compromise our core convictions in order to achieve unity. If we do so, we may have peace, but it will be a cheap peace, and our unity will be fragile, too-soon broken again. Peace is not won by appeasement, but by strength. When we are assured of who we are, and of our relationship with God, then we are much better able to share that peace with others. Unity comes, ultimately, not from compromise, but from shared conviction. Peace, which is not principled, is bound to fail.

Almighty God and Father,
I know that You have charged me to maintain
the unity of the body in the bond of peace.
But I also know that You have charged me
to have no other gods before You.
Give me the humility that listens to others,
and that never forgets to listen to Your Word.
In the name of Christ my Lord.

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