Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blessed are...

Christ our Righteousness

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Matthew 5:6

Our souls are hungry for the satisfaction that only Christ may bring. A thousand different dishes may tempt us, we may sample a smorgasbord of sensual delights, but we still seem empty. No wonder. God has made us in such a way that only the Bread of Life can fill us.[1] When, at the table of the Lord, we receive the tokens that represent His body and His blood, by faith we also receive the benefits of His death and we are satisfied. By faith Christ comes to us. In soaring cathedral or village chapel He is with us still, and the longing in our heart finds rest.

Our souls are thirsty for the satisfaction that only Christ may bring. Cool water may quench our thirst for a moment, a bottle may numb the pain or help us to forget, but we still seem dry. No wonder. God made us in such a way that only the Living Water can fill us.[2] If only we will ask we will receive the water that never ends. If we drink it we need never be thirsty again. The One who supplies it sits beside us in our loneliness and fear. He knows everything there is to know about us, but He still loves us; He is still anxious to save.

Christians cannot think about righteousness, in any form, without remembering that Christ is our righteousness. We hunger and thirst for Him. Then, knowing Him, we hunger and thirst for righteousness in our lives and in our relationships. And we strive to follow Him, until the day when the Lamb, who is Christ, will guide us to the springs of the water of life, and every tear shall be wiped away.[3]

Lord Christ I praise You,
Yours is the Gospel that has overcome my hunger.
By Your Spirit I taste springs of living water and am satisfied.
Give me the peace that knows my sins to be forgiven.
Give me the restlessness that will not cease
until Your righteousness is known and embraced
throughout the earth.
For the glory of Your name.

[1] John 6:35
[2] John 4:10
[3] Revelation 7:17

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