Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blessed are...

Meriting Mercy?

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

Does it follow, then, that we earn our salvation? Can it possibly be the case that we need to be merciful in our dealings with others in order that we may receive mercy from God? In the same way, doesn’t Scripture teach us that we must forgive others in order to be forgiven?[1] Do we really cause God to be merciful when we exhibit mercy?

Of course not. Mercy is not the root of a right relationship with God, it is the fruit of that relationship. We are not merciful in order that we might curry favor with the Almighty. We are merciful because we recognize that mercy has been shown to us. When we are turned out from our navel-gazing by the extraordinary generosity of our God, we suddenly understand that we are blessed in order that we might be a blessing to others. Mercy shown to others is simply a reflection of the heavenly smile that captured and changed our heart.

In a way, it is almost impossible for us to be merciful unless we have seen the sadness of our sin, repented of it, and by faith received salvation. We can be kind and generous, but there is always something of self lurking in our deeds. We expect some benefit in return. Our mercy is not unsullied, it has an eye to the day when we shall be in need, and will be able to call in a favor. But God’s mercy contains nothing of self, it is motivated purely by love. When we respond to that love, expressed so wonderfully in Jesus, our hearts are purged of self, and our love begins to reflect His. Only then may we be truly merciful, for we have received it ourselves.

Lord God,
I have heard it said that those who show mercy will find it.
May that be true for me.
May I find mercy, not because I expect it or in any way deserve it,
but because it is in Your nature to be merciful.
May it be in my nature to be merciful,
now that I have been redeemed.
For the sake of Christ.

[1] Luke 6:37

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