Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blessed are...

Longing to See

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

Isn’t it impossible to see God? Moses argued with God and asked to see His glory,[1] but God refused, saying that no-one could see His face and live. When His glory passed by, God placed Moses in a cleft in the rock, and covered him with His hand. Moses still did not see God. In His presence, the wise would stoop, or fall to the ground. Like the fabled king, whom to see was death, God inspired awe among His people.

And yet there were times, even in Old Testament days, when believers did see something. Even Moses came down from the mountaintop with his face glowing, reflecting the glory of God.[2] Later, in a vision, the prophet Isaiah was caught up, and he saw the Lord high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.[3] Later still, the prophet Ezekiel saw what he took to be “the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.”[4] But these were only glimpses of an unveiling.

Men and women of faith lived in hope that one day, somehow, they would do more than glance sideways, out of the corner of an eye, and that they would be able to stand before God and see Him in all His glory. For years this was not possible. God was too high, too holy. We were too low, too impure. Then came Jesus, the bearer of the promise, and the One in whom the promise would come true.

Lord Christ,
I praise You.
Throughout long centuries, faithful people waited for Your appearing.
They saw, as through a glass darkly, and longed for Your day to come.
Now, with renewed sight, I grasp that for which they could only hope.
I am lost in joy beyond words.
For Your name’s sake.

[1] Exodus 33
[2] Exodus 34:29
[3] Isaiah 6:1
[4] Ezekiel 1:28

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