Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Devotional - December 25

December 25 Lord

“Abide with us our Lord”


Lord Jesus, born in a stable, born for me, I worship and adore You. By Your coming You bring light and hope into a dark, cold world, and You bring joy to my soul. Amen.

Read – Romans 10:9

“If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”.


What does it mean to call Him Lord? The title means so many things, from a polite greeting to an acknowledgement of divinity. How will you use the word on this most precious of days?

To some, “Lord” simply means “sir,” a way to address a person of some importance. There were some who used this title for Jesus. They recognized His authority, but not the full extent of it. They were deferential but went no further. He may have been a “lord” but He was not Lord of all. Is that how you address Christ today? Are you polite and respectful, but nothing more? Is it as a character from history that you remember Jesus Christ on Christmas Day?

To others, “Lord” means so much more. It carries an echo of the divine name, hidden by the people of God who feared to use it. “Lord” then means “adonai,” the title given to the Most High, the creator and sustainer of all things. To call Jesus “Lord” in this sense, and to mean it, is to acknowledge His authority over the wind and waves, over sickness and sin and death. To call Him “Lord” is to accept His authority over my life, His sacrifice as sufficient for my sin, His promise as security for my future. Is this how you address Jesus Christ today?

This is not a tale for children, richly illustrated and lovingly retold, then set back on the shelf for another year. He is not lord for a day; Christ is Lord of all. On Christmas Day, praise Him from your knees.

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