Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Advent Devotional - December 22

December 22 Christmas

“We hear the Christmas angels”


Unstop my ears, Father, to the glory that surrounds me. Take away every distraction. Help me to hear the angels’ song, and to their praises add my own. Amen.

Read – Luke 2:11

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord”.


Music is one of God’s most precious gifts to our world. Is it possible to think of Christmas without humming a melody? It’s annoying, to be sure, to hear the familiar carols pumped out in every store and elevator for three months or more. But, it’s not the music that annoys us, it’s the abuse. Let a commercial Yuletide commandeer Bing Crosby, if it wishes; but there’s something wrong about “Silent Night” sent screaming through the airwaves, or “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” butchered in order to sell a Japanese car.

So, let’s recapture the quiet place. If you can’t “hear the Christmas angels” it may be that the TV is turned up too high, just like the anxiety levels. A celebration of the Lord’s nativity requires the gift of space. Give yourself that gift. If only for a little while, settle into your favorite corner and re-read the story from Matthew or Luke. Play a recording of your favorite Christmas music, from King’s College Chapel or St. Olaf’s College. Hear, again, the old, old story and, like a comforting quilt, Christ will enfold you with His measureless love.

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