Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 27 - Hope Not Seen

Child of Hope: An Advent Devotional

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hope Not Seen

For in this hope we are saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Romans 8:24,25

One aspect of Christian hope is the redemption of the body. We look forward to the day when our joints will no longer creak, when our backs will no longer ache, when our poor old eyes will rejoice to see the glory of the Lord. At Christ’s appearing there will be no need for corrective eyewear; we won’t need to squint to get Jesus into focus. When He comes, creation will cease its groaning and will be at peace.

What a hope! Those who have lived with chronic pain for years can look forward to a healing that will make them whole again. Those whose limbs have been shattered by accident or disease will move freely. Even the dead shall be raised, and shall rejoice. We look forward in hope to the consummation of all things, to a salvation that is both personal and cosmic. “Oh Lord, what a morning, when the stars begin to fall!”

But we’re not there yet. We have this hope as a gift from God. It’s so real we can almost touch it. Our God is so rich in mercy, so faithful in His love for us, that we are almost there. Almost, but not quite. Despite the nearness of the hope for which we strain, we do not yet have it in all it’s fullness. We have the assurance of salvation, but we will not see the full effect of that salvation until we gather with the redeemed and take our place in the “mansion” that has been prepared for us. Therefore, we must live in hope, looking for the dawning of God’s perfect day, waiting patiently yet expectantly for the promised gift that, one day, shall be fully ours.

Prayer for the Day
Lord God,
keep us on tiptoe, waiting for the coming of Your Son.
When He comes, may we be found ready.
In the meantime, keep us eager
to work for You and to serve others.
May Your will be done in us.
For the sake of Christ our Lord.

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