Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 14 - Joyful Hope

Child of Hope: An Advent Devotional

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Joyful Hope

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

One day, the Savior who came as a child shall return as a king. In this, too, we hope: that God will bring history to its consummation. Those who have rejected Christ will be judged; those who have accepted Him will reign with Him forever. Until that day, we must be joyful, patient, and faithful.

Hope is the fuel that maintains our joy, despite whatever afflictions may come our way. As, by prayer, we open the windows of heaven, so we are encouraged as we glimpse the glory in which, one day, we shall share. Without hope our joy would soon evaporate. With hope, we can be joyful in all things.

Of course, “joy” does not mean a fixed, inane grin, or the attitude of a permanent pollyanna. Joy is the deep assurance that God’s will shall prevail, and that it is good. Joy should break out on our faces, but when the trials we bear are too great, the smile of faith remains hidden in our heart. When hope’s settled certainty keeps us focussed on God’s promised new world, then joy can never be far away.

Romans 12:12 is one of the earliest texts in the New Testament to mention affliction with overtones of persecution. The early Church was to suffer greatly at the hands of those who wished to see it destroyed, yet it maintained its joyful hope. In our day, Christians still suffer for the cause of Christ in many lands. That we do not should make us grateful for the liberties we enjoy. It should send us to our knees in faithful intercession for those who suffer. It should also make us agents of joyful hope, bearing witness to the truth in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer for the Day
Living God,
deepen our love for our suffering brothers and sisters
around the world.
Make us steadfast in our support.
May they, and we, be found joyful in hope
when our Savior comes again.
We pray in the name of Jesus.

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