Thursday, August 04, 2011

The Fullness of Christ

Read Colossians 2:8-15

Again, Paul warns about the teachers of error; their "hollow and deceptive philosophy" (v.8) came from to sources - human tradition and spiritual agencies. Ephesians 6:12 is worth looking at on this matter. There is plenty of this kind of thing about today.

The answer, once again, is the fact that Jesus Christ is absolute and supreme. In Him there is:

1. "The Fullness of the Deity" (v.9). This means that He was and is truly and fully God, even as He was truly and fully man. This is hard to explain, but it is what gives verse 14 its authority - the "bridge" rests firmly on both sides of the chasm of sin, on God and Man, and because of this, many may cross it and be saved.

2. "Fullness in Christ" (v.10). This is the other side of the coin. The same Lord Jesus Christ who is fully God is able to fill us; that is, He renews, in us, the life of God, so that we become what we were always meant to be - those who know, love, and obey our Maker. So, there is no room and no need for any other bridge between God and humanity; Jesus Christ meets every need. He can carry all of the traffic that there ever could be between sinful man and a holy God. And the toll for the crossing? Verses 12 and 14 tell us how this was paid.

Prayer: Lord, I seek the fullness of Christ in me. May I know more and more of Your life in mine. For Your glory. Amen.

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