Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living Courageously

Read Jeremiah 26:1-15

In the early part of his ministry, Jeremiah's difficult task was made easier by the support he must have enjoyed from King Josiah; but now he was faced with a very different ruler in King Jehoiakim, who had inherited little or none of his father's faith, or his reforming zeal. What Jeremiah was now called upon to do required the very greatest courage.

God's prophet knows what he has to say. It seems that Jeremiah preached twice, repeating his sermon chiefly for the benefit of the royal princes (v.12) who do not appear to have been present on the earlier occasion. His message was simple, clear and uncompromisingly candid. "Obey God and the nation will be saved; continue as you are doing, and He will be compelled to destroy you."

God's prophet knows what he has to be. The message was clear, but what about the man? First, Jeremiah obviously lived close to God. They met together as friends, and God was able to give His message to Jeremiah personally. Secondly, he spoke from deep conviction ("in truth", v.15). He was not simply saying what he had to say, but speaking with passionate sincerity from the heart. Thirdly, notice his complete lack of self-regard ("as for me", v.14). Let them do what they will, his only concern was to be utterly faithful to God. Can you see how these different points apply to our work as witnesses for Christ?

Prayer: Lord, give me the sort of courage, faithfulness, and sincerity that Jeremiah demonstrated in his life. For the sake of Christ my Lord. Amen.

Image: Jeremiah prophesying.

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