Sunday, March 06, 2011

Belief Governs Behavior

Read Jeremiah 6:9-21

You sometimes hear people say, "I don't think it matters too much what people believe, as long as they behave decently." But this is nonsense. It is beyond dispute that behavior springs from belief. You cannot divorce life from your fundamental beliefs. Creed and conduct must go hand-in-hand.

In our last study we saw that the people's religion had collapsed and they had given way to idolatry. In other words, their worship was all wrong. It was misdirected! So, it's not surprising to discover that their walk (v.16) had gone wrong, too. They refused to listen to God's voice (v.10), and even when He spoke in a voice of thunder (v.17) they still paid no attention. They were determined to go their own way and to have done with God's Law. As a result, we find them consumed by greed and jealousy (v.13). Corrupt conduct will always follow corrupt faith.

It would not have been so bad if they had been at all concerned about their behavior (v.15). But they had reached the stage where their consciences seemed dead. In Paul's frightening words, "they have become callous and have given themselves up to... practice every kind of uncleanness" (Ephesians 4:19).

O Lord, I ask that, to the very end of my life, whenever that may be, that You will preserve in me a sense of shame at sin. For Your love's sake. Amen.

Image: The Shame of Adam and Eve.

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