Thursday, April 02, 2009

Blessed are...

Persecution We Deserve

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10

The persecution that leads to blessing cannot be divorced from the Gospel. It is not blessed to be persecuted; the blessing only comes when we are persecuted for righteousness. In the same way, it is not true that we are blessed when we are persecuted because we are Christians; the blessing only comes when we are persecuted for having pursued righteousness, as Christians.

We may be opposed for any of a number of reasons. We may be persecuted because we are obnoxious, or because we are incompetent. We may face opposition because we are unnecessarily offensive, or because we are ill-mannered or rude. Just because we are Christians does not mean that every contrary voice we hear comes because of our commitment to Christ. It could be that our behavior has led to our suffering. Indeed, it may be suffering that we deserve.[1]

Unacceptable behavior, by Christians, is no reason to rejoice. It may just be a reason to repent. Whenever our behavior does not exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit, when we do not display purity of heart, contrition for sin, or true humility, then we cannot claim to be blessed when the world finds that behavior objectionable. When our life is not in line with our confession of Jesus Christ as Lord, then any opposition we face simply demonstrates our immaturity, not our blessedness. People will always find plenty of reasons to reject the Gospel. We don’t need to add another. That is why we need to model our lives after Christ’s, and to treat others with gentleness, compassion, and love. By doing this we may not avoid persecution,[2] but we will avoid being persecuted for the wrong reasons.

Lord God,
I confess that often my life has not reflected the values of Your Kingdom.
I have been as thoughtless as my godless neighbors,
and sometimes more rude.
Forgive me.
Teach me the winsome loveliness of Christ.
For His name’s sake.

[1] I Peter 2:20
[2] I Peter 4:12

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