Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lent Devotional 2012

St. John’s Passion


This year, our congregational study for Lent draws its inspiration from the famous “Johannes Passion” of Johann Sebastian Bach. The texts for our Wednesday evening studies have all been taken from the Gospel of John, chapters 18 and 19, from which Bach took the words for his sacred oratorio. Effectively, then, we shall spend the five weeks of that study looking at the last twenty four hours before the crucifixion.

You are also invited to join with the rest of the congregation, during the five weeks of Lent and Holy Week, following the story of the Passion of Christ through the lens of the Gospel of John. Every day, starting on Ash Wednesday, February 22, you will find a reading from John, a quotation from Calvin, and a suggested Psalm. My hope is that as you meet God daily through thoughtful Bible reading and prayer, you will grow deeper in your discipleship and even more in love with Jesus.

Set aside a special time and place to read God’s Word each day. You’ll need a Bible, this booklet, a pen, and a notebook.

Pray before reading, asking the Holy Spirit to help you to understand and receive His Word.

Read carefully the passage for the day, and the commentary.

Think about what you have read, waiting in openness, ready to hear and obey God’s Word to you.

Ask What is the main point of the passage? What does God reveal of Himself in these pages? What am I shown of the nature and needs of humanity before God? What insight am I given? Is there an example to follow? A warning to heed? A sin to avoid? A promise to claim?

Record your thoughts in your notebook; reading it later will encourage you.

Apply what God has taught you to the circumstances of your life.

Pray again. Make your discoveries the basis of your prayer. Thank God for His greatness and His love, confess your sins, and ask for strength to practice what you have learned with a joyful heart.

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