Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Read Colossians 3:1-11

1. The Root of Christian Behavior. The apostle turns from matters of Christian doctrine and the special problems of the church at Colossae; now he deals with down-to-earth problems, specifically, with the question of behavior. These are not really separate subjects; they are closely linked, as verse 1 proves: "raised with Christ" means sharing all of the benefits of His death and resurrection - forgiveness, peace with God, salvation, the promise of eternal life, and so on. "(S)eek the things above" means "aim for those things which will please and honor God." To put it rather bluntly, a corpse has no appetite for the food which once nourished it - and Christians have "died" to their old, sinful way of life.
2. The Fruits of Christian Belief. So, we reach the great "therefore" of verse 5. We are to deal sternly with all kinds of evil - immorality (v.5), anger (v.8), lies (v.9) etc. Then, suddenly, Paul changes the metaphor. Instead of using the illustration of dying and rising again, he speaks instead of "putting off" the old way of life, like taking off an old suit. He then continues by urging the Colossians to "put on" the Christian life, like a new set of clothes.

Finally (v.11), Paul shows one outstanding consequence of this new life: it breaks down barriers - racial (Gentile and Jew), religious (circumcised and uncircumcised), cultural (barbarian and Scythian), and social (slave and free). Christ makes us one, whatever the accident of our birth.

Prayer: Lord God, You have given Jesus to be my Savior and my living Lord; I can do no less than to give my full allegiance to You. In the name of Christ. Amen.

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