Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to Make a Decision

Read Jeremiah 42:7-17

The great national temptation at this time was to find refuge in Egypt. The idea was attractive, it would put a further 200 miles and the formidable Red Sea between the Jews and the Babylonians. But such a policy, urged Jeremiah, would be fatal:

1. It took no account of the past. God had rescued His people from Egypt at tremendous cost. How could they walk back again into the trap from which they had been released?

2. It took no account of the present. If they stayed, they had the firm promise of God's protection and presence. This was better than anything Egypt could offer.

3. It took no account of the future. God had promised glorious days for His people, but how could He be expected to fulfill His promises if they deserted the country at this time?

Solving a problem often involves a conflict between what is immediately attractive and what is right (when all of the facts are taken into account). Christians are privileged in that we can often consult a seasoned saint or an established leader; we can pray about all of the relevant issues and bring to bear, on our problem, any principles that God's Word makes clear. If you have a problem, the apparently easy way out may not be the right way. Work at it.

Prayer: Lord, when decisions have to be made, give me strength to resist the temptation to take the easy way out. Amen.

Image: Destruction of Jerusalem.

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