Friday, February 25, 2011

God Chooses the Right Person

Read: Jeremiah 1:1-12

Jeremiah, a shy, retiring young man of perhaps twenty years of age was reluctant to enter public life as a spokesman for the Lord. He shrank from the prospect with fear and misgiving, pleading the fact that he was no sort of a speaker and was too young for the task (v.6). But the Lord dealt with Jeremiah's problems. "Gods commands are His enablings", and He never calls a person to undertake a task for which He will not supply the necessary power.

Has God's call come to you, as it did to Jeremiah, to witness for Him at school, at the plant, or in the office? Does it mean that you have to oppose what is wrong, or to stand up openly for what you know to be right? It may involve you, as it involved Jeremiah, in loneliness, opposition, or hostility.

Perhaps, too, the excuses which Jeremiah made have already occurred to you - "I'm too young, and anyway I wouldn't know what to say." Perhaps you have been tempted, as no doubt he was, to "go underground", to become a loyal but secret disciple.

If all this seems to fit your particular circumstances, don't despair, but be encouraged! Jeremiah's God is your God, and if He has called you into the front line of His service, He will not leave you unarmed or ill-equipped.

Lord God, give me the words to speak and the power to stand firm. In Christ my Lord. Amen.

Image: the Call of Jeremiah.

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