Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New Wineskins Response to General Assembly

Responses are emerging from the various renewal organizations. Here's the one from the folks at New Wineskins.

The New Wineskins Association of Churches Leadership Team Response to the 218th General Assembly

The New Wineskins Association of Churches
Leadership Team Response to the 218th General Assembly

Theologically unhinged - The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has become theologically unhinged from our Biblical and Reformation foundation. The actions of this Assembly are schismatic. They foster division within our denomination and threaten the sundering of the denomination from the world Church of Jesus Christ.


• The Assembly recommends re-writing the historic Heidelberg Catechism by truncating a quotation from Scripture (1 Cor. 6:9) in order to remove reference to homosexual behavior as sinful.

• The Assembly has asked the church once again to overturn historic, Biblical standards of sexual holiness for those being ordained. Previous authoritative interpretations about sexuality and ordination standards have been rendered void. Presbyteries will be asked to delete the “fidelity in marriage, chastity in singleness” clause of G-6.0106b.

• The Assembly has authorized creating a special fund to battle in civil courts congregations which cannot in good conscience continue their voluntary affiliation with the PC(USA). Such legal actions include not only disputes over property but, as in the Londonderry case, litigation against individual elders. Donations will be sought. However, we are hopeful that the General Assembly’s strong approval of a resolution encouraging presbyteries to initiate and communicate a gracious process for dismissal will decrease a rush to civil court on all sides.

• The Assembly has misunderstood and disrespected all three religions in its resolutions about Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The Assembly calls upon adherents to these various faith systems to celebrate religious holidays together: as if a good Muslim could celebrate the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ at Christmas, as if a good Jew could look to the crucifixion on Good Friday for atonement, as if a good Christian could consecrate himself or herself during Ramadan to a Unitarian God who is not the gracious Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Triune God.

• Although, the Assembly declined asking the presbyteries of the PC(USA) to redefine marriage as between one man and one woman (Mt. 19: 4-5), a civil marriage between 2 men was performed by a PC(USA) minister at the More Light Presbyterians gathering at the General Assembly. Those charged with defending our constitution have remained silent on this breach of ordination vows.

We find these actions repugnant and call upon the denomination to reject them heartily.

Meanwhile, the New Wineskins Association of Churches continues to hold to a vision of a church grounded in:

• shared, clear essential theological tenets based on historic Biblical faith
• shared ethical imperatives derived from Scripture\
• relationships of mutual accountability and support
• a polity designed for missional service.

Come Talk to Us in Atlanta on August 6 & 7th!

We invite pastors and elders serving PCUSA congregations to participate in conversations and voice concerns raised by the 218th General Assembly and to hear afresh the New Wineskins’ vision for the church.

The NWAC leadership will host this meeting for pastors and elders who share our commitment to the New Wineskins’ Essentials of the Reformed Faith, and are grieved by the actions of the General Assembly. This meeting will begin at noon, on Wednesday August 6 and conclude at noon on Thursday, August 7. It will be held near the Atlanta airport with complimentary shuttle service. For more information and to register, please contact executive director Renee Guth at A free-will offering will be collected in lieu of a registration fee. There will be NO registrations at the door. We suggest no more than 3 representatives from any one congregation because space is limited.

At this meeting we seek to encourage those

• congregations feeling called to continue to bear witness within the PC(USA) to become resistive communities collaboratively living out a vision of shared tenets, ethics, and mission.
• congregations feeling called to pursue realignment in another Reformed denomination.

In addition, our fifth New Wineskins Association convocation will be held at First Baton Rouge Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 9 to Tuesday, November 11th. Our convocation will further the New Wineskins Association’s missional vision for Presbyterians in the 21st century!

Come consider a better way. Join us in prayer, discussion and visioning.

Grace and Peace in Christ,

Leadership Team
New Wineskins Association of Churches

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